I just wanted to quickly follow up with Lucy. The book cover of Lucy is seriously depressing. I thought that the paintings by the man who abandons his family and ran away to some remote island to paint people...poorly was a seriously big mistake. Does anyone else think that he should have kept his day job? I guess when it is your passion that you have to follow it, but I definitely was not impressed by his work.
Lucy has to be the most depressing book that I have ever read. And I read The Life of a Cell. Now, that was an exciting book compared to this one. I found her provocation slightly appalling. These are of course my opinions on the novel, but I really felt that as we are coming to the close of the semester that this was definitely not the "spirit lifter" that the class needed. Or maybe, that I needed. Just look at her face and it almost makes you want to cry. She is definitely not a cheery girl who loves being a young adult.
I agree about the painter, though I feel everyone should pursue their passions. However, I think a compromise should've been reached, like "I won't abandon my family, but I will paint." He did move his family to Denmark when he was a stockbroker but then went back to Paris to paint alone. Thankfully, his wife's family took her in along with their 5 children. Apparently, Gauguin did not have a problem with leaving his family for someone else to care for, which is unfortunate but true. For more information on Gauguin, here's a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Gauguin