Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Writing is like a river...

Imagine a river. There are parts of the river where it is better defined as a stream. There are other parts of the river that are wide and deep. Some parts are slow moving and others are fast and have rapids.
Each paragraph is like a wide deep part of the river. The first and last paragraph are like the narrower parts of the river where rapids crash on the rocks and churn.
So, the paper begins rough and bumpy and then the body of the paper is wide and deep, finally the last paragraph is again narrow and focused and intense.
A paper is like a river.

1 comment:

  1. I love this metaphor. Its so true now that you have said it, a the paper writing process is like a river. I know when I sit down the beginning is always the hardest and finally towards the end its like I have reached the end of the river and my ideas and thoughts are flowing and have now entered in to what could be considered the lake.
